Su Topo will include this comment in
every post with the above until BBB corrects the problem. For quite awhile BBB
has been charging for intra-line transfers, reversing the long standing policy
of free transfers to other BBB lines. And lots money to build a big
headquarters on Colorado BL just east of 4th Street. Mr. King, just a
few dollars for a trash can, you might need a few more to cover other bus stops
too, will erase this section. After all, it is Marina Del Rey! :-)
Maxella Trash Fix???♪
White Line Incursion Series
Su Topo uses video to highlight the
problem of scofflaw drivers endangering Metro bus passengers yet, no authority
seems to want to take ownership of the problem. The issue is not unique to the
particular site which this Mole documents, but is illustrative of a general
problem. Your Mole encourages you to report similar problems to the appropriate
agencies in your area(s) and hope that you will have better luck than he. In
the youtube.com videos linked below one can see exactly what happens when the
policing agencies fail to enforce traffic laws.
The videos linked below document
that, and this is important, a never ending stream of vehicles fail to use the
lane as required by law.
Neither are the policing agencies
active when it comes to protecting us by bringing these obvious and frequent
traffic law violations to an immediate halt. The LACMTA is derelict as well, in
that they fail to use the near hourly proof of the violations captured by the
on board cameras, mentioned here and discussed at length in the posting of
In the following video we see yet another instance of a scofflaw driver cutting I front of a Metro bus. Please see the www.youtube.com video here.
In spite of the potential for these violations to occur
several times per HOUR, I have never seen a police presence at this location. One
would think that with a bus schedule taped to the dashboard one of the several
policing agencies would have made some arrests by now. Unless they have
"more important" work to do, than protecting bus passengers.
La Taupe feels that it is
appropriate to dedicate each video to ALL the agencies who should be protecting
us. So, they are dedicated to (1): Airport (LAWA) Police, the L.A.P.D., the L.
A. County Sheriff’s Department and Mr. A. Leahy who is CEO of the LACMTA.
La Taupe has recommended a simple solution
to the problem. That is, have the 111 Line buses pull up to pedestrian
crosswalk then stop and discharge passengers. Doing this eliminate the space in
front of the bus which the always-in-a-hurry scofflaws use to cut in front of
the Metro. *But with the LACMTA nothing is simple. Although the solution could
be implemented with nothing more than a memo to the 111 Line drivers, it is a
task for which the LACMTA is inadequate.
Mole reads the papers and other things, obviating the necessity of your doing
This is a story (Schaefer) which su Topo would rather not be including here. But he must do so because it is an extreme case that results from the lack of security in the LACMTA "system".
This Mole would like to see the press stop calling the AHA Web portal [entryway] a Website. Technically it is a Website but not one selling coloured birthday balloons whose only real connection is to the credit card system interface.
Rather, the portal is the initial interface to an extremely complex system. Which system has a multitude of interconnections to the various state systems, such as the one(s) used in California. Calling it a Website is simplistic and inaccurate.
The minimum usual first step in
building a system demand that the system architects develop a
specification which details the expected inputs, outputs and responses. i.e., the functions of the
system. One simply cannot sit down with
the 22,000 pages which comprise the AHA and start writing computer code. “The 2,000
pages of legislation; the 20,000 pages of regulations; the government rules
that define in excruciating detail what providers and insurers must do, right
down to the type size on documents. “ (Roy)
These 22,000 pages, if piled up, would create a stack over nine feet tall. The reduction of this volume of documentation
to a formal system specification is no simple task!
The stack of documentation was produced by
politicians and we all know what happens when politicians attempt to design “real world”
systems. It is not inconceivable that
the documentation itself contains logical inconsistencies, which will be manifested
in the specification and ultimately in the computer code.
Which step(s) in the overall process were
bypassed or short circuited, one can only guess, but we know that the initial
system test resulted in failure, i.e., the system crashed.
Listen to a http://www.propublica.org/ podcast explain in more detail some of the problems encountered by the ACA system. Once at the linked site you can choose to listen to the podcast or download it and listen at your convenience.
Or you can read what is included in a CNBC interview with the head of the Mayo Clinic regarding the AHA. Then too, there is the New Yorker's November 11, 2013 cover story about the AHA, entitled "Reboot" written by Mr. Barry Blitt. I look forward to reading it! If su Topo could only have access to a single magazine it would be the New Yorker. :-)
Listen to a http://www.propublica.org/ podcast explain in more detail some of the problems encountered by the ACA system. Once at the linked site you can choose to listen to the podcast or download it and listen at your convenience.
Or you can read what is included in a CNBC interview with the head of the Mayo Clinic regarding the AHA. Then too, there is the New Yorker's November 11, 2013 cover story about the AHA, entitled "Reboot" written by Mr. Barry Blitt. I look forward to reading it! If su Topo could only have access to a single magazine it would be the New Yorker. :-)
The same sort of results are seen daily in
the failures of the LACMTA and its mostly political structure in attempting to
deal with transportation.
The topics covered under the rubric “Technical”, just above, give rise to Mole’s Law, which says: “When politicians involve themselves in technical matters, expect failures.”
It is logical to follow Mole's Law with a brief introduction to Parkinson's Economic Laws, which are:
1. Work expands [exponentially] to fill [overwhelm] the time available.
2. Expenses rise [exponentially] to meet [exceed] income.
3. The more complex, the sooner dead.
Take, for example, the still unanswered question: "Why has the LACMTA abrogated their duty to provide transportation to Los
Angeles County and reneged on the promises associated with 'Measure R' and etc. as illustrated by
allowing LAWA to run, ah, umm, public transportation.
allowing LAWA to run, ah, umm, public transportation.
Public transportation from Union Station, various hotels and other venues is being provided by LAWA's FlyAway buses at rates almost five (5) times that charged by the LACMTA regular buses and trains. That the LACMTA can provide semi-express bus service is aptly demonstrated by the "Silver Line" —it's a bus, folks! So why does the LACMTA allow LAWA to usurp its designated functions? Hello Los Angeles Times! This is a great story for a team of your Transportation beat reporters to take on. One agency who should be performing the transportation function, the LACMTA, is apparently subservient to another agency, LAWA, whose domain should be limited to aviation related matters. Please note, that when you follow the link to the LAWA site, you will see that it is peppered with "FlyAway" materials to a greater extent than it displays aviation related info. I don't know if such a story would win a Pulitzer as did the MLK Hospital series, BUT, hard-hitting coverage of he LACMTA and its many blunders, including its relationship with LAWA is long overdue.
The LACMTA slowly killed off kill the 439 Line, which, perhaps reconfigured as a semi-express (Pewter Line?) variation could
have performed the same service and at a lower price than LAWA's bus. A partial answer? Please refer to Mole's Law.
The Los Angeles Times reports (Nelson)“ a story about the reassignment of some Metro staff, to which la Taupe responded with "and this is news because??". Here are some of the facts: the head of Bus and Train Operations has been moved to an unspecified position, he has a long working association with Art T. Leahy, his replacement earns about $50,000 less annually. Decoding the situation may call for a runic reading. :-)
Ms Nelson covers (Nelson J) another topic in the depth which your Mole loves. This time it is about just another in the string of increasingly bad ideas from the LACMTA —the L.A. Streetcar. This Mole believes that the LACMTA wrongly thinks that with enough money they can remake Los Angeles into San Francisco (Downtown Connector) and so does the Los Angeles city Transportation Department. We already have a trouble-plagued cable car on Bunker Hill and now they want to build a street car line from nowhere-A to nowhere-B, an expensive, unnecessary, money-pit of a project. It seems to be "designed" to hinder the maximum amount of street traffic using the shortest one-way distance. Please read this article in print and all of the others in this post as well! It has everything, a nice artists conception of what it might look like, a skyrocketing budget, politicians opting NOT to inform the public of rising costs in a timely manner and etc.
The Times features (Weikel) a piece on Metolink's continuing accounting problems. The accounting firm —KGMP— assigned to this project will have a future report "... to determine whether wrongdoing has occurred ... . Here is another agency that withheld negative information from its putative overseers for eight (8) months. Taking a different stance regarding staff than the LACMTA, "Metrolink officials said they cannot comment on the departures because personal matters are confidential."
The Times reveals (Vartabedian) the results of a poll which shows more than half of the respondents are NOT enamored with the "bullet train" between (portions of the) San Francisco and Los Angeles. You remember the "bullet train" which is loosely based on the Japanese technology of the 1960s. It appears that people want to vote on another ballot measure but please, do read this print article. If nothing else, it has a nice picture of what it might look like if those in charge (CHSRA) could ever factor out the politics and reconstitute itself as a technical organization and build a state-of-the-art rail system instead of an artifact of the past.
An OP-ED piece in the Times reviews (Sumwalt) the 2008 Metrrolink crash and makes a firm recommendation for the installation of PTC (Positive Train Control). which is "...something the NTSB (National transportation Safety Board has been calling for since 1970". Yet we are in the fifth calendar year since the crash and it appears that "Metrolink is one of the very few on target to meet this [2015] deadline." Mr Sumwalt is a seasoned professional whose piece can be read here.
In a piece (Stevens) that seems to be screaming for the subhead" "Everybody wants to get into the transportation 'planning' act", the owner of The Grove and the LACMA (Los Angeles County Museum (of) Art) wants to link The Grove's internal trolley with the a nearby subway station and other points in the neighbourhood. The Mole will hide his true feeling and instead ask you to fill in the blank in the following sentence: The Fairfax trolley is a really, really ____ idea! (You'll have to do it in your notebook because the blog WILL NOT accept your input.)
Here is a link to a Los Angeles Times Editorial on “new” “plans” for transportation to LAX.
Your Mole feels that the LACMTA lacks the intellectual
capacity to either build a rapid link to LAX themselves or hire a staff which
will build it for them. The editorial
piece linked above has a hopeful tone; your Mole does not —because he has seen much of the LACMTA 1/8 hearted
efforts. Which editorial seems to rehash an
old idea of former mayor Antonio Villaraigoso, viz., the “people mover”. Please bear in mind that newspaper editorial
writers are neither transportation planners nor transportation engineers, so in that respect they are not so different from politicians.
In this space la Taupe has linked lots of other cities
airport transportation solutions as well as new subway construction in New York
City and Landon. His effort seems not to
have germinated at the LACMTA, whose motto may well be “there must be a
cheaper, if less convenient method”.
Su Topo believes that the LACMTA’s guiding philosophy
is approximately use an extremely lean, well-paid organization to supply
transportation to Los Angeles County while contracting as many tasks as
possible and in effect, serving as a
funds transfer agency [emphasized text is a rephrasing of an LACMTA quote
from the past].
<<Le doute amène l'examen et l'examen la vérité.>>
Pierre Abélard (1079~1142)
[The doubt brings the examination and the examination the truth.]
Merci beaucoup à http://www.evene.fr/ .Pierre Abélard (1079~1142)
[The doubt brings the examination and the examination the truth.]
The Los Angeles Times featured (Lewis) an article which discusses Ms Ronstadt's memoir, "Simple Dreams" [Simon & Schuster, September 2013, ISBN 9781476770000, 256p, link]. The Lewis piece in print is a very nice summary! But you should read the book for the full story!
So let's listen to another beautiful song from Linda Ronstadt, to celebrate her book and future induction into the rock & Roll hall of Fame!
The song is Blue Bayou.
The Los Angeles Times featured (Lewis) an article which discusses Ms Ronstadt's memoir, "Simple Dreams" [Simon & Schuster, September 2013, ISBN 9781476770000, 256p, link]. The Lewis piece in print is a very nice summary! But you should read the book for the full story!
So let's listen to another beautiful song from Linda Ronstadt, to celebrate her book and future induction into the rock & Roll hall of Fame!
The song is Blue Bayou.
Thank you! to our good friends at www.grooveshark.com
for always providing the appropriate music for us.
Mole rides again, you don't have to try to explain to tourists how to get where they want to go, while apologising about Metro service.
(All times
are expressed in the 24 hour system.)
Su Topo was exiting a subway station and found a couple looking puzzled. They were trying to use a subway map to get to Venice beach. The couple were from Germany from near the home of the former pope, Regensberg. They were soon on their way with an exact plan to get to Venice Beach.
The LACMTA is promoting their "security app" with a brochure (14-0144EB (c)2013 LACMTA) and info on metro.net. You can see what the iOS version looks like just below.
You can (try to) replace Law Enforcement Officers♪
Your Mole has witnessed three (3) Sheriff's Deputies "take down" a tagger. Two of them had weapons drawn. Now if you think that remaining in your seat and taking photos of a criminal act in progress is a great idea, then this is the Metro app for you. However, I would be remiss in not informing you to have adequate insurance on your smart-phone and yourself before attempting to improve on-board security by yourself. In the worst case they may name a station, well, er, add your name to an existing station name in tribute. In short, it is the responsibility of the LACMTA to provide for on-board security, not patrons of the 'system"!
On board a bus your Mole was approached by a couple from Kiribati (pronounced Ki-ri-bats). They were headed to your Mole's exact shopping destination so he guided them to within a short distance of their goal. You can see that Kiribati (formerly Christmas Island) is located due south of Maui in the Hawaiian Islands.
Aboard a 117 Line bus headed east on Century BL: This bus seems to have more than its quota of recyclers. Some are dragging two (2) large trash bags packed with recyclables one of the men. who is standing at the rear exit doesn't have his load well secured, so it is spilling into the exit area.
Your Mole is well-traveled ,yet has no memory of seeing so much 'baggage" of questionable cleanliness being allowed on board public conveyances in any other country which he has visited. Perhaps it is because other countries have public health laws?
Ear (and Eye) to the Rail
While the CHSRA "works" to build Japanese rail systems of 50 years ago the Japanese move ahead to the future with Mag-lev rail. According to the story in Japan Today these state-of-the-art lines will be about twice as fast as the current bullet trains, which translates to trips that will take half as much time as they do today. So all other things being equal, when (IF) CHSRA completes the build of the 1960s technology, Japan will be up and running with Mag-Lev. It is not too late for CHSRA to rethink an extraordinarily bad plan and build Mag-Lev when it is least expensive to do so, i.e., from the start.
That the CHSRA's "work" is not much appreciated by some citizens is documented in this AP (Associated Press) article.
But we can find
examples of professionals, in this case IBM —whose Watson
hardware/software system bested Jeopardy professionals more than two years ago—
involved in improving our quality of life.
The link included here describes a joint project involving IBM Research,
Sutter Health, and Geisinger Health System, which is intended to assist doctors in detecting future
heart related problems “anywhere from six to 24 months ahead of
For more lots more details about the Watson System
please see this IBM site.
as unseen and unimagined by the LACMTA♪
Cautionary Note: Those employed by
the LACMTA should NOT view the following video. The speed of the trains in the videos, the fact that they
do not have to share the right of way or stop at stop lights because they are
truly rapid transit, will likely make you dizzy, nauseous, confuse and frighten
This video takes you on a portion of a train ride from
Hong Kong International Airport, which is located on a man-made island, Chek Lap Kok, which is near the north coast of Lan Tau Island, into the city of Hong Kong, which is itself on an island . These trains are completely grade separated from all other traffic and with a portion of the 24 minute trip under water; this is truly a BIG step up from the LACMTA's "Toonerville
Trolley" approach, which places mass transit squarely in the middle of lots of
Your Mole had been a passenger on the AEL a number of times and found it to be an excellent ride!
The Los Angeles subways are rapid transit lines as is the Green Line. So at one juncture, someone at the LACMTA knew the difference, but alas, that knowledge has been lost to an organization which has no institutional memory.
So when one reviews the Hong Kong AEL project one cannot help but wonder what qualities the professionals in Hong Kong and at major cities in the United States and around the world have, that the gormless LACMTA lacks? While these cities have built rapid transportation directly to their airports, your Mole envisions a future in which LAX is encircled with numerous termini each of which represents a unique failure to close the last mile to the airport.
The present goal of the LACMTA
now seems to be to spend money to build anything that can be thrown together
with out regard to functionality. Neither is developing and improving on a
"best practices" model very much on their minds. One case in point is
that access control, think Expo Line, has again become optional or something
which "may be added in later".
Solar Storms occur at varying intervals and are of varying intensity. The Carrington Event is a measure of severity. It occurred in the past; a reoccurrence would be much more damaging because of the heave use of electronic devices in modern life.
A todos mis lectores, Feliz Dia de Gracias!
To all my readers, Happy Thanksgiving!
Fare Box Score Box and related Lists of Shame
I.D. Numbers of buses with Out of Order Fare Boxes: xxxx;
Note: No or few entries above do not
necessarily mean all fare boxes are in operation.
I.D.Numbers of Distracted Drivers: xxxxx (i);
None included here, but observations
of a minor nature may be included in the main posting;
Codes: (i) Extended conversation(s)
with passenger(s) or (ii) cell phone call(s). Frequently, details can be found
in the text above, (ii*) cell phone call(s) which are aggravated by some other
action, (iii) Self-distracted. Codes (ii*) and (iii) will ALWAYS be explained
in the posting.
I.D. Numbers of Buses Defaced by WhoIs
stickers: xxxx;
~UR or +UR = (+UR) whois sticker and
the ugly residue left after passengers partly remove the sticker. (~UR) = Only
the ugly residue left after passengers almost completely remove the sticker. +L
= an old (legacy) sticker black letters on a plain white background –these are
the original form of the defacement.
* Another reason for displaying the
operator's ID on the internal display and the headsign.
ID numbers of Buses whose Head and
Tailsigns disagree: Not noted xxx/xxx;
Format is Bus number followed by
Headsign number/Tailsign number.
ID numbers of Buses without Braille
signs: xxxx;
METRO drivers Lack of Basic
Technical Skills Report
The format is Driver number
F[{Y/-n/+n} C[{Y/N+/-}]. Meaning of F if Y the driver stopped with the Bus stop
“flag pole” somewhere between the bus front door frames. A negative number,
e.g., -3 is the approximate distance in metres (think yards dear readers)
between the nearest bus door vertical frame member and the flag pole signifying
that the bus stopped short of the flag. A positive number, e.g., +3 (metres) is
the approximate distance between the nearest bus door vertical frame member and
the flag pole signifying that the bus stopped past the flag. The value for
C[{Y/N}], “Y” tells us that the driver stopped within an easy step from the
curb to the bus, “N” means it was NOT an easy step from the curb to the bus. It
is this Mole's belief that an average experienced good driver should be able to
control his bus so as to position in near the curb and with the flag pole
slightly to the front of the bus.
74298* F[+4] C[Y]; 26138 F[Y], C[+1]; xxxxx F[Y],
C[Y]; xxxxxF[Y], C[Y]; N.B. distances are in metres, think yards.
*this is MORE than a bus length.
nnnnn* = Contract Driver
I.D. numbers of drivers who are
almost guaranteed to give you a Rough and Jerky (R& J) ride: xxxxx;
I.D. numbers of drivers who will
give you a potentially life-threatening ride:
XXXXX(J)/2013-07-23; XXXXX(-);
Codes: S = not wearing seat belts; J
= bad judgment (unsafe driving practices).
La Taupe's Abréviations
ADADO = Automatic Destination Announcement (on) Door Opening.
This feature is installed on many buses and operates on extremely few.
Another“money down the toilet” LACMTA investment. La Taupe that this is
intended for the visually impaired because people who can see can read the
“head signs”.
ASAS = Automatic Stop Announcement System the GPS (Global
Positioning System) driven mechanism for generating audio for the upcoming
stops. N.B. Because of the low power (read weak) processors used in the
on-board stops may be too close to identify stops separately. This is known as
a granularity problem. Then too, if the driver operates the bus at speed above
the speed limit you will find the system “back announcing” stops which you have
already passed. I find that this will NOT keep some drivers from complaining
“that you didn’t signal (ring) in time. They don’t understand their
relationship to the system and how, by driving faster than the GPS computer,
they can bias it.
BBB = Santa Monica’s Big Blue Bus
CHSRA = California High-Speed Rail Authority, which is the
equivalent, in more ways than one, of the LACMTA.
CC or CCMBL = Culver City (Municipal) Bus (Lines)
CCTC = Culver City Transportation Center this is the place
formerly known as FHMTC = the Fox Hills Mall Transportation Center
(Sepulveda& Slauson)
FFE = Full Fare Equivalent (presently $1.50)
GMBL = Gardena Municipal Bus lines
ITC = Inglewood Transit Center
LAWA = Los Angeles World Airports.
LAXCBC = the LAX City Bus Center.
OCTA = Orange County Transportation Authority.
OOS = Out Of Service.
Rapid Transit = does not compete for right of way, that is, it will not
run at grade unless it has EXCLUSIVE DEDICATED USE of the right of way).
R& J = Rough and Jerky [ride].
Torrance Transit.
the normal type of driver/staff.
is the non-stop talker type of driver/staff, on the phone or to passengers,
the uncommunicative type of driver/staff, sometimes surly.
WLATC = the West Los Angeles Transportation Center (Fairfax &
Su Topo’s Disclaimer and apologia
Your Mole always attempts to write
an easy-on-the-eyes page using text input. Blogger.com however, has other ideas
and will often not stay with a single font type or point size, produces
extraneous spacing and etc. I wish I had time to debug the HTML which they
produce, it is NOT the straight text which I pasted into the form, but I don’t.
Therefore, I apologize on behalf of Blogger.com for the changes which they
make, of which I do not approve. Sometimes, what I see, thankfully you don’t,
is 24 point type –it is giant and other times they swallow my text, although it
still seems to be there. In fairness to them, things seem better, although this
is partly because I do understand which of their “features” do the most damage
to me and consequently do not use them. Communicating these problems to them,
for me, is something like having teeth extracted without the benefit of
anesthetic, actually it is less fun than that. By their design, there is no
simple e-mailing them with "Please look at my say, posting of 2009-06-28,
it is weird!” I am hoping that one of their developers will someday read this,
copy my code and improve their text to HTML engine. Until then, lo siento.
Your Mole’s Copyright Statement
All photographs and original written
materials are copyrighted © 2007~2013 by LAmetroMole. ♪Clicking a photo
will often* present you with an enlargement (sometimes successive clicks will
further enlarge the photo). *This feature is dependent upon the Internet
browser which you use and possibly other factors.
This site contains or provides links
to copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically
authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in our
efforts to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights,
economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, sustainable
development, environmental, community and worker health, public disclosure,
corporate accountability, and etc. We have often included relatively brief
quotes from articles and etc., sometimes in addition to a simple link, because
we have found that links frequently go "bad" or change over time. We
believe this constitutes a "fair use" of any such copyrighted material
as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with
Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without
fee or payment of any kind to those who have expressed a prior interest in
receiving the included information for research and educational purposes and to
those who access the site via any and all other channels. If you wish to use
copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond
'fair use', you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. Music or other
recorded material on this site, or referred to by this site are copyrighted by
their respective artists and are made available here for evaluation purposes
only. Please support the artists you like by buying their commercial CDs, MP3s
and downloads.
Your Mole’s Conflict of Interest
This is to certify that I, the
blogger who is known as the LAmetroMole, with respect to this blog, except as
described below, am not now nor at any time during the past year have been, nor
is it my current intention to ever be:
1) A participant, directly or
indirectly, in any arrangement, agreement, investment, or other activity with
any vendor, supplier, or other party doing business with any of the entities
about which I have written, which has resulted or could result in personal
benefit to me.
2) A recipient, directly or
indirectly, of any salary payments or loans or gifts of any kind or any free
service or discounts or other fees from or on behalf of any person or
organization engaged in any transaction with any of the entities about which I
have written.
Any exceptions to 1 or 2 above are
stated below with a full description of the transactions and of the interest,
whether direct or indirect, which I have (or have had during the past year) in
the persons or organizations having transactions with any of the entities about
which I have written.
There are no exceptions.
Date: 2009-06-24 S/LametroMole
Works Cited
Lopez, Robert J. “One dead, nine injured when car slams into Metro bus”. Los Angeles Times. Oct. 14, 2013. Web.http://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-1-dead-9-injured-after-car-slams-into-metro-bus-20131014,0,2797881.story
Nelson, Laura J. "Head of Metro's bus and rail operations division to be reassigned” . Los Angeles Times. Oct. 9, 2013: Web. http://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-metro-chief-operations-reassigned-20131009,0,132217.story
Schaefer, Samantha. “Homeless man arrested after girl sexually assaulted on bus 3 times”. Los Angeles Times. Oct.11, 2013. Web.
### .. . ###
above is ### 30 ### in Braille