

Vae Viator64 2015-06-30

Vae Viator64

To all my readers: Holiday Greetings for July 

Happy Fourth of July! And now our National Anthem played by the United States Marine Corps Band. 

Joyeux fête nationale! Vive la belle France! 

Sur ce 14 juillet fête national française, ecoutons La Marseillaise chantée par le Choeur de l'armée Française.

Thanks to youtube.com, to the Marine Band and Merci Beaucoup à JSP Pérou for the uploads!

America’s Worst♪

When politicians involve themselves in technical matters, expect failures.

The photograph below documents the situation at the Maxella AV and Lincoln BL stop on the BBB number 3 Line. It is the sort of “work” one would expect from the LACMTA. They taped or caused to be taped shut the aperture in the plastic pipes associated with power poles. These pipes continue to be used as improvised trash cans. BBB N.B. The stop still needs a trash can!

BBB Maxella Trash Fix???♪

Su Topo will include this comment in every post with the above until BBB corrects the problem. For quite awhile BBB has been charging for intra-line transfers, reversing the long-standing policy of free transfers to other BBB lines. 
Too, BBB has spent lots of money to build a big headquarters on Colorado BL just east of 4th Street. Mr. King, just a few dollars for a trash can, you might need a few more to cover other bus stops too, will erase this section. After all, it is Marina Del Rey! :-)

 Why a trash container is needed♪

The photo above shows exactly what people will do when a trash container is not provided.  They will jury rig something.  What they did, in this case, is rip off the tape which covered the plastic pipes at the base of the utility pole and stuffed their trash into the pipe, nice, huh?

Edward F. King,  Director of Transit Services
City of Santa Monica's Big Blue Bus
(Photo: www.bigbluebus.com)

 The man pictured above could ensure that trash containers are installed along BBB routes with a simple three-line memorandum. 

White Line Incursion Series
Su Topo uses video to highlight the problem of scofflaw drivers endangering Metro bus passengers yet, no authority seems to want to take ownership of the problem. The issue is not unique to the particular site documented by your Mole, but is illustrative of a general problem. Your Mole encourages you to report similar problems to the appropriate agencies in your area(s) and hope that you will have better luck than he. In the youtube.com videos linked below one can see exactly what happens when the policing agencies fail to enforce traffic laws.

The video(s) linked below document the important fact that a never- ending stream of vehicles fail to use the lane as required by law.

Neither are the policing agencies active when it comes to protecting us by bringing these obvious and frequent traffic law violations to an immediate halt. The LACMTA is derelict as well, in that they fail to use the near hourly proof of the violations captured by the on board cameras, mentioned here, and discussed at length in the posting of 2012-05-31.

In the following video(s) we see further instances of scofflaw drivers, cutting in front of Metro 111/311 bus(es).

Please see the video of vehicles which cross the solid white line and cut off a moving Line 111/311 bus.  

Just briefly, at the beginning of the video, we can see a black vehicle cut off the bus, then, after the bus is moving, there is a last second cutoff by a grayish vehicle.  

Thanks to www.youtube.com for their excellent video support!
Please carefully note that in some videos, pedestrians are pinned to the curb by the vehicles that cut in front of the bus —as a result these pedestrians are illegally denied the right-of-way. Which right-of-way would be unchallengeablely theirs IF, and only IF, Mr. Washington would review su Topo’s  simple solution (vide infra) and implement it. 

In spite of the potential for these violations to occur several times per HOUR, I have never seen a police presence at this location. One would think that with a bus schedule taped to the dashboard one of the several policing agencies would have made some arrests by now. Unless they have "more important" work to do than protecting bus passengers.

La Taupe feels that it is appropriate to dedicate these video(s) to ALL the agencies that should be protecting us. So, they are dedicated to (1): Airport (LAWA) Police, the L.A.P.D., the L. A. County Sheriff’s Department and Mr. Washington who is CEO of the LACMTA.

Su  Topo has recommended a simple solution to the problem. That is, have the 111 Line buses pull up to pedestrian crosswalk then stop and discharge passengers. Doing so eliminates the space in front of the bus which the always-in-a-hurry scofflaws use to cut in front of the bus. But, with the LACMTA nothing is simple. Although the solution could be implemented with nothing more than a memo to the 111/311 Line drivers, it is a task for which the LACMTA so far has proved to be inadequate.

OVER MATCHED (until 2015-07-01, I believe)

Your Mole would like the former head of LAWA remembered for her "contribution" to Los Angeles area public transportation.   She was quicker than the head of the LACMATA to implement the lucrative FlyAway service and discouraged all attempts, however feeble, to bring other modes of transportation to LAX.

Too, we should memorialize her attitude vis-à-vis public transportation directly to LAX in following the transportation access pattern used by many, if not most, world-class airports, to wit, "Any time you go under the airport, it is fraught with problems, ..." [hardly a get it done attitude!].

 The Mole reads the papers and other things, obviating the necessity of your doing so.

The Times reports (Nelson) on the construction of "... [a] viaduct in Madera County that spans the Fresno River"  which is "... the first visible piece of the state's $68-billion bullet-train system from Los Angeles to San Francisco ...". As evidenced by the in-article photo showing a woman holding a sign which reads "KEEP HSR OUT OF ACTION" the bullet train appears to is less and less welcome as time passes.  It seems now a toss-up as to whether the train to LAX will be completed first or the bullet train between San Francisco and Los Angeles will be first.

Another Times piece (Weikel) that the current director of LAWA will be replaced by the former director of Oakland International Airport.  "Ale Flint has been responsible for the operation, management and business development of Oakland International, a midsized airport that handled 10.3 million passengers last year. She oversaw capital projects, improvements in customer service and a new Bay Area Rapid Transit connection to the airport [emphasis mine]."  

And the winner of the "America's Best” award, hands down, is the San Francisco Muni, that is this Mole's takeaway after reading an online piece (Jaffe) from The Atlantic. The LACMTA is in the process of evaluating the same idea on 720 Line buses.  Although there is merit to all door boarding su Topo has witnessed "all door" boarding long ago on the 720 Line —as implemented then, passengers would duck down and slip in the hind-most door.

The LACMTA doesn't have much luck with their own ideas, I wonder if it is possible for them to implement someone else's.

Speaking of luck, in this case bad, please watch NBC 4 reporter Ms Jane Yamamoto's standup on the collapse of part of the new, expensive District 13 Operations Center.  It fell on March 28; and what was la Taupe saying about poor project management?  What caused this collapse?  Bad planning, bad design, bad construction, bad management or the nexus of all four?? One could say, wait for the official report after the finger pointing has been completed, but it may be buried.

The Times covers (Nelson2) the implementation of bus-side signage on Antalope Valley buses.  The CEO of the company that sells Antelope Valley Transit Authority's ads describes them: "You get real-time, dynamic information, ... They're very [sic] avant-garde."  Ms Nelson does a nice job of covering the pros, it could be a money maker for the transit agency and cons, another distraction for drivers and others, esthetically unattractive and etc.  Please read his article and all the articles which are linked in "Works Cited" (vide infra).

The Los Angeles Times reports (Weikel2) on the continuing problems with the bullet train.  Popular support is lacking for this troubled project.  I have termed the original segment, which is far from San Francisco and even further from Los Angeles, no offense intended, Nowhere A to Nowhere B; now it will end eight miles short of Nowhere B.  CHSRA suffers from the same problems as does the LACMTA, in that they forget that the proper order is (1) plan then (2) build. When cities along the initial segment are filing lawsuits one can be reasonably certain that they are not full on board the project; therefore proper planning was not done.

A project opponent describes how CHSRA "documented" a planned route change; "There were no maps or discussion of the change ... They didn't even name the town where they were stopping."   Seems minimal to me!
Another troubling "speed bump" was covered in this informative piece; 
"Legislative analysts also predict those revenues will remain fairly level in coming years. That means cap-and-trade funds alone aren't likely to provide the $2.8 billion in matching funds the rail authority needs by 2017."
La Taupe's recommendation?  The best place for CHSRA's plans would be safely on a drawing board somewhere.  Let some other state build the first "bullet train", develop American expertise there, then try it in California in, say, another twenty years. 

Japan Today carries a story (Popular) on high speed rail. In it your Mole learned about the Texas Central High-Speed  railway.  Unfortunately, it is built on fifty (50) year old technology.  The world has moved beyond that! Please see the details here.  As for California's effort, well, ...

The Times headlines (Weikel3) "Giving Metrolink image a boost" in reporting Art Leahy's latest incarnation.  I might suggest a more grammatical version "Boosting Metrolink's image".  As I read through Leahy's verbalization of his plan, I could see the ghost of his tenure at the LACMTA, viz., buy into any technological "frill" that comes along, dump a ton of money into it and hope that it flies!  

What this Mole would like to hear is: we are going to replace our ticket machines with the same type which take a daily pounding in New York City.  I have tasked my systems designers and industrial engineers to come up with a plan to install Wi-Fi on the trains.  But, importantly, we will be spending money on improving safety, such as, ATC (Automatic Train Control) eliminating grade crossings and etc. 

So Leahy at Metrolink will be a replay of Leahy at the LACMTA.  Those who think differently reresent the "triumph of hope over experience"!

«L'homme est un pauvre être mis sur cette terre pour embêter les autres hommes. »

  Erik Satie (1798-08-21~1874-02-09)

[Man is a poor being put on this earth to annoy other men.]

 Merci Bien à  http://evene.lefigaro.fr/

Ars longa vita breva

François Boucher,  (1703-09-29~1770-05-30) 

Here is an example of his exquisite detail in his “ Jeuner”. Please search independently for more of his work.  N.B.  Although you must be aware that much of his work is intended for adults.  


An article in the London Review of Books started me thinking about Erik Satie; he was an interesting person. 

Let's listen to some of Satie's beautiful music

Thank you to Classical Tunes for the Upload and, of course, to youtube.com!

The Mole rides again, so you don’t have to try puzzle out why the Metro app thinks you are quite far away from your actual location.
(All dates are ISO8601 format, times are expressed in the 24 hour system.)

Promises, promises

What single word could be used to describe the LACMTA?  How about improvident??  It seems to this Mole that the highest performance rating which could be assigned to the organization is 30%.

The LACMTA heavily hyped, glowing promises are seldom fulfilled, at least not to the extent promised in the original announcements.  

Someone appears to have Photo-shopped the above photo.  But the modifications have the look and feel of truth.  

Just a few examples of pie in the sky plans which ended up being scrapped: TransitTV; "free two-hour" transfers (I have yet to talk to a user who has actually received one, read, they are unable to meet the overly stringent requirements, projects which go over-budget and are behind schedule; the loss of lawsuits that were not winnable ab inito; Orange Line post-construction road bed problems; concrete chunks falling off the Gold Line infrastructure; the list is long and could be continued.

Money pours out of the LACMTA like water through a sieve.  Yet not a dime for anything that would make riding public transit in Los Angeles the least bit easier or comfortable.  

Where are the signs?

2015-06-01 around noon. Your Mole gets off a 720 Line bus at Wilshire Bl and Santa Monica Bl and walks west for about half a block to the 720 Line stop should be (please see map above). It is NOT THERE!  Neither is minimal signage included so as to eliminate confusion and make your commute less of a hassle.

A 720 Line bus is just arriving so Su Topo hurries to the corner. The driver denies me entry although she is stopped for a red signal, the area is completely safe for boarding. Instead she waves her arm in an ambiguous signal and points down Wilshire. There are no signs indicating a new 720 stop can be seen anywhere! The stop,it turns out, is more than two (2) blocks away from the old one. Signs SHOULD HAVE been placed at the locations I’ve noted on the map.

On the nice Google(R) satellite map above, I've added the positions of the old and new 720 stops.  This is a busy area with the intersection of two major streets and lots of bus riders.  But, no signage is included you can see my additions with the recommended signs shown in yellow.  Why are there no signs, even minimal ones with an arrow and text along the lines of: "720 buses will stop 3 blocks East",  "720 buses will stop 1 ½  blocks East"? Because LACMTA!

Where am I?

2015-06-04 @12:38:  I am at the intersection of Century and Hawthorne.  I decide to use the Metro app to find the next scheduled  LAXCBC bound bus.  No luck! As you can in the photo (above) the app refuses to properly identify my location in spite of using Wi-Fi and etc.

M V Transportation buses are NOISY!

2015-06-04 @ 14:12:  I am aboard a 125 Line bus, it is a contract line —M. V. Transportation; which company seems to have NO best practices, other than to make your ride as uncomfortable as possible by setting both the ASA and dispatch radio at max volume.  Please don't forget about their drivers who must listen to this irritating noise throughout their shift!  The meter above shows a peak DB level of 97 the "mountain range" at the end of the trace is an ASA.  Unpleasant, of course, however, virtually no LACMTA "managers" ever avail themselves of the organisations services. The few that do are likely thinking about how much longer they must endure the trip to give much constructive thought to the irritating elements of the ride and exactly how they might be ameliorated.

OCTA knows how to do it!

2015-06-09 around noon:  Your Mole is in Orange County. He had the opportunity to ride OCTA buses (photo above) and finds them clean, with acceptable announcement levels and driven by extremely pleasant, helpful operators.

2015-06-10 @07:40: On my way to Long Beach, on Hawthorne station-stairway I am presented with a trail of human solid waste! Using the LACMTA’s “system” requires a strong constitution!!  This sight, like many I've seen in the period during which I've been making these posts, is more like something that one would expect to see in Calcutta!

As your Mole enters the down escalator at Willowbrook he is forced to step over a pool of coffee whose accompanying cup identifies it as being a McDonald’s product. 

Su Topo transfers to the Blue Line —It is the dreaded Willow termination train— an example of the LACMTA's establishment of their practices by a priori opinions rather than a posteriori logic following empirical research, e.g., "We'll speed up your commute by inconveniencing others".  Using LACMTA logic, some northbound trains should terminate at Vernon Station five stations from 7th and Metro Station as some southbound trains terminate  at Willow Station.  That would more fairly distribute the inconvenience.

Blue  Line sleeper

2015-06-10 17:00:  La Taupe rides a Green Line train headed to as close as he can get to LAX, riders disrupt the trip by somehow jambing the doors open.  The operator must leave his cab in order to correct the situation.

2015-06-11 around 14:00: A repeat of yesterday's interference with the doors occurs.  Again, the operator leaves his cab, finally he makes a plea to the perpetrators to stop that does it and after a seemingly lengthy stop we are once again underway. This appears activity in which the TSA should be involved —after all, the "T" in TSA means Transportation and interfering with train operations could easily be defined as a terroristic act.

2018-06-29 07:40 Aboard a 111 Line bus, #8643, bound for Norwalk: The driver has a suspiciously low number, i.e., “394”. Perhaps his patch has been ”doctored”, perhaps not. In any event my case for scrolling operator number on the “crawl” is persuasively made. A woman straddles the yellow line at the front of the bus while both engage in a nonstop conversation.

At ITC: A southbound 40 bus uses the northbound 740 stop, backs up and uses the usual southbound exit. My 740 Line bus finds the correct stop. But is showing the reverse route (Expo Line Station) on its headsign. One cheer for the LACMTA!

Ear (and Eye) to the Rail

Transit as unseen and unimagined by the LACMTA

The LACMTA (Subordinate to LAWA)


Every Which Way But Right!


Four Seats to LAX!


The LACMTA Tries Again; Asymptotically to LAX!


The World’s Most Inconvenient Way in Which to Travel From City Center to an Airport!

The purpose of this section is to make people aware that the LACMTA is not home to many problem solvers.  I hope to accomplish this end by presenting the solutions adopted by other cities, some in foreign countries, in solving the city to airport rapid mass transportation challenge.

Cautionary Note: Those employed by the LACMTA or LAWA should NOT view the following video(s). The speed of the train(s), the fact that they neither share the right of way nor stop at stop lights, because they are truly rapid transit, will likely make you dizzy, nauseous, confuse and frighten you.

With a population ov over five million, Miami already has a direct rail connection to its airport.  It is a diesel train and likely has at grade crossings but they still beat the LACMTA in making the city to airport connection.

Let’s take a look at Miami's rail link.

Thanks to the up loader of this video: trainmanrisko!

As always, thank you to our host, www.youtube.com 


The Telegraph.com reports that the Astronomer-Royal, "Prof Lord Rees, 72, told the Cheltenham Science Festival ‘I’m not holding my breath’ for signs of extraterrestrial life, but said if a signal was picked up it would not be from organic life, like humans. He said that most space exploration would be carried out by machines, which would not constrained by the physical difficulties of existing in space or on other planets.
He makes a persuasive case which you can read here.

A developing black hole theory involves "fuzzballs".  A Daily Mail piece (O'Callaghan) describes the new theory of black hole mechanics.  For a detailed treatment of the topic, you can read Dr. Mathur's paper here.  Please note that a significant mathematical and theoretical background is required in order to full appreciate his work. 

Fare Box Score Box and related Lists of Shame
I.D. Numbers of buses with Out of Order Fare Boxes: 8319 (2015-06-02 @ 13:25, 111 Line5774(2015-06-10 , 740Line;
Note: No or few entries above do not necessarily mean all fare boxes are in operation.

I.D.Numbers of Distracted Drivers: xxxxx (i);
None included here, but observations of a minor nature may be included in the main posting;
Codes: (i) Extended conversation(s) with passenger(s) or (ii) cell phone call(s). Frequently, details can be found in the text above, (ii*) cell phone call(s) which are aggravated by some other action, (iii) Self-distracted. Codes (ii*) and (iii) will ALWAYS be explained in the posting.

I.D. Numbers of Buses Defaced by WhoIs stickers: xxxx;
~UR or +UR = (+UR) whois sticker and the ugly residue left after passengers partly remove the sticker. (~UR) = Only the ugly residue left after passengers almost completely remove the sticker. +L = an old (legacy) sticker black letters on a plain white background –these are the original form of the defacement.
* Another reason for displaying the operator's ID on the internal display and the headsign.

ID numbers of Buses whose Head and Tailsigns disagree: Not noted xxxx/xxxx;
Format is Bus number followed by Headsign number/Tailsign number.

ID numbers of Buses without Braille signs: xxxx;

METRO drivers Lack of Basic Technical Skills Report
The format is Driver number F[{Y/-n/+n}] C[{Y/N+/-}]. Meaning of F if Y the driver stopped with the Bus stop “flag pole” somewhere between the bus front door frames. A negative number, e.g., -3 is the approximate distance in metres (think yards dear readers) between the nearest bus door vertical frame member and the flag pole signifying that the bus stopped short of the flag. A positive number, e.g., +3 (metres) is the approximate distance between the nearest bus door vertical frame member and the flag pole signifying that the bus stopped past the flag. The value for C[{Y/N}], “Y” tells us that the driver stopped within an easy step from the curb to the bus, “N” means it was NOT an easy step from the curb to the bus. It is this Mole's belief that an average experienced good driver should be able to control his bus so as to position in near the curb and with the flag pole slightly to the front of the bus.
xxxxx F[] C[];

I.D. numbers of drivers who are unable or unwilling to position their buses parallel to the curb, a short step from the curb and/or equidistant from the vehicles exits.
XXXXX F[+10] C[Y]; F[+7], C[Y]; xxxxx F[Y], C[Y]; xxxxxF[Y], C[Y]; N.B. distances are in metres, think yards.
13 metres is this is MORE than a bus length.  nnnnn* = Contract Driver

I.D. numbers of drivers who are almost guaranteed to give you a Rough and Jerky (R& J) ride: xxxxx;

I.D. numbers of drivers who will give you a potentially life-threatening ride:
 XXXXX(J)date; XXXX-XX-XX(-);
Codes: S = not wearing seat belts; J = bad judgment (unsafe driving practices).
La Taupe's Abréviations
ADADO = Automatic Destination Announcement (on) Door Opening. This feature is installed on many buses and operates on extremely few. Another “money down the toilet” LACMTA investment. La Taupe that this is intended for the visually impaired because people who can see can read the “head signs”.

ASAS = Automatic Stop Announcement System the GPS (Global Positioning System) driven mechanism for generating audio for the upcoming stops. N.B. Because of the low power (read weak) processors used in the on-board stops may be too close to identify stops separately. This is known as a granularity problem. Then too, if the driver operates the bus at speed above the speed limit you will find the system “back announcing” stops which you have already passed. I find that this will NOT keep some drivers from complaining “that you didn’t signal (ring) in time”. They don’t understand their relationship to the system and how, by driving faster than the GPS computer, they can bias it.

BART = Bay Area Rapid Transit – Please note the use of the word “Rapid” because it is a word we almost never hear in Los Angeles.

BBB = Santa Monica’s Big Blue Bus

CHSRA = California High-Speed Rail Authority, which is the equivalent, in more ways than one, of the LACMTA.

 CC or CCMBL = Culver City (Municipal) Bus (Lines)

CCTC = Culver City Transportation Center this is the place formerly known as FHMTC = the Fox Hills Mall Transportation Center (Sepulveda& Slauson)

FFE = Full Fare Equivalent (presently $1.75)

GMBL = Gardena Municipal Bus lines

ITC = Inglewood Transit Center

LAWA = Los Angeles World Airports.

LAXCBC = the LAX City Bus Center.

OCTA = Orange County Transportation Authority.

OOS = Out Of Service.

Rapid Transit = does not compete for right of way, that is, it will not run at grade unless it has EXCLUSIVE DEDICATED USE of the right of way).

R&J = Rough and Jerky [ride].

T= Torrance Transit.

T1= the normal type of driver/staff.

T2= is the non-stop talker type of driver/staff, on the phone or to passengers,

T3= the uncommunicative type of driver/staff, sometimes surly.

WLATC = the West Los Angeles Transportation Center (Fairfax & Apple)

Su Topo’s Disclaimer and apologia
Your Mole always attempts to write an easy-on-the-eyes page using text input. Blogger.com however, has other ideas and will often not stay with a single font type or point size, produces extraneous spacing and etc. I wish I had time to debug the HTML which they produce, it is NOT the straight text which I pasted into the form, but I don’t. Therefore, I apologize on behalf of Blogger.com for the changes which they make, of which I do not approve. Sometimes, what I see, thankfully you don’t, is 24 point type –it is giant and other times they swallow my text, although it still seems to be there. In fairness to them, things seem better, although this is partly because I do understand which of their “features” do the most damage to me and consequently do not use them. Communicating these problems to them, for me, is something like having teeth extracted without the benefit of anesthetic, actually it is less fun than that. By their design, there is no simple e-mailing them with "Please look at my say, posting of 2009-06-28, it is weird!” I have been submitting feedback and experiences slow but positive progress.  Until all issues are resolved, lo siento. [Addendum 2014-07-31]: Things have been much better lately.  There is a more responsive feedback system now.  If things keep this way, I may have to delete this "Disclaimer and apologia" section in the near future.  Almost immediately after writing the preceding, the system "returned an error" on a save.

Your Mole’s Copyright Statement
All photographs and original written materials are copyrighted © 2007~2013 by LAmetroMole. Clicking a photo will often* present you with an enlargement (sometimes successive clicks will further enlarge the photo). *This feature is dependent upon the Internet browser which you use and possibly other factors.

This site contains or provides links to copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in our efforts to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, sustainable development, environmental, community and worker health, public disclosure, corporate accountability, and etc. We have often included relatively brief quotes from articles and etc., sometimes in addition to a simple link, because we have found that links frequently go "bad" or change over time. We believe this constitutes a "fair use" of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without fee or payment of any kind to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes and to those who access the site via any and all other channels. If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond 'fair use', you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. Music or other recorded material on this site, or referred to by this site are copyrighted by their respective artists and are made available here for evaluation purposes only. Please support the artists you like by buying their commercial CDs, MP3s and downloads.

Your Mole’s Conflict of Interest Statement
This is to certify that I, the blogger who is known as the LAmetroMole, with respect to this blog, except as described below, am not now nor at any time during the past year have been, nor is it my current intention to ever be:
1) A participant, directly or indirectly, in any arrangement, agreement, investment, or other activity with any vendor, supplier, or other party doing business with any of the entities about which I have written, which has resulted or could result in personal benefit to me.
2) A recipient, directly or indirectly, of any salary payments or loans or gifts of any kind or any free service or discounts or other fees from or on behalf of any person or organization engaged in any transaction with any of the entities about which I have written.
Any exceptions to 1 or 2 above are stated below with a full description of the transactions and of the interest, whether direct or indirect, which I have (or have had during the past year) in the persons or organizations having transactions with any of the entities about which I have written.
There are no exceptions.

Date: 2009-06-24 S/LametroMole
Works Cited

Jaffe, Erik. "Why Buses Should Let You Board Through Any Door, in 2 Charts". Mar. 13, 2015. citylab.com. Web.

Nelson, Laura J. “First bullet-train bridge set to rise in Central California”. Los Angeles Times. Jun. 16, 2015. Web. http://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-high-speed-rail-construction-20150615-story.html

Nelson2, Laura J. "Antelope Valley Transit Authority experiments with digital ads on buses" Los Angeles Times. May 25, 2015. Web. http://www.latimes.com/local/california/la-me-california-commute-20150526-story.html  

O'Callaghan, Jonathan. "Black holes AREN'T deadly: 'Fuzzball' theory claims we wouldn't notice if one swallowed Earth - and they can create copies of us too". dailymail.com. Jun. 17, 2015. Web. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-3127877/Black-holes-NOT-deadly-New-theory-says-wouldn-t-notice-one-swallowed-Earth-create-copies-you.html

"Popular elsewhere, high-speed rail remains elusive in U.S." japantoday.com.
Jun. 28, 2105. Web.  http://www.japantoday.com/category/business/view/popular-elsewhere-high-speed-rail-remains-elusive-in-u-s

Weikel, Dan. "Oakland airport director nominated to head Los Angeles World Airports".  Los Angeles Times. Jun. 3, 2015. Web.

Weikel2, Dan and Vartabedian, Ralph. "First phase of bullet train is cut due to Bakersfield, Shafter disputes". Los Angeles Times. Jun 8, 2015, Web. http://www.latimes.com/local/california/la-me-high-speed-route-20150608-story.html

Weikel3, Dan. “Giving Metrolink[‘s] image a boost”. The Los Angeles Times. June 30, 2015:B2. Print. 

  ### .. . ###
                               The above is ### 30 ### in Braille

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